As someone who doesn't even like when products change their packaging (Pictionary, you were once so lovely!), I was quite pleased with this article in yesterday's New York Times.
The Vermont Country Store has Camay soap available on their website, along with hundreds of brands that are very hard to find. They also carry the original Lifebuoy Soap, Vinolia Soap, Lightfoot's Pine Soap, Packer's Pine Tar Soap, Pear's Soap, Fels-Naptha, and a whole variety of Soap-On-A-Rope. They even have classic shampoos like Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific, Body On Tap, Lemon Up, Jhirmack and Prell!
The Vermont Country Store has Camay soap available on their website, along with hundreds of brands that are very hard to find. They also carry the original Lifebuoy Soap, Vinolia Soap, Lightfoot's Pine Soap, Packer's Pine Tar Soap, Pear's Soap, Fels-Naptha, and a whole variety of Soap-On-A-Rope. They even have classic shampoos like Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific, Body On Tap, Lemon Up, Jhirmack and Prell!